Nothing Fancy Productions


You COULD use a good stationary camera, but where's the production value in it?

You COULD get a friend to film you, but does he have an eye for videography?

You COULD get a friend who has a $5000 camera to film you, but he is also going to charge you $500 for the work.


Or you could hire us for $75.



  • Shoot for 30 ~ 40 minutes
  • 3 cameras with 4k capabilities. One handheld and 2 stationary
  • Option 1: You get an edited 30 second clip of your performance of one song
  • Option 2: You get an edited 30 second clip consisting of a collage of several song moments from the shoot
  • Video is formatted for handheld devices (720p). It’s ready to go for YouTube, Instagram, Facebook or your website.
  • Boost your social media presence today!

Demo Video

Book Us For Your Shoot

Optional add-ons to base package

  • High def (1080p) video format - $25
  • Remove “Nothing Fancy” logo - $25
  • Add a second 30 second clip - $50



  • Everything that’s in the Base Rate package
  • Instead of a 30 second clip, you’ll get a full song (Max 5 minutes)
  • Recorded and delivered in high definition 1080p
  • Add-on: “Nothing Fancy” logo removal - $25


Nothing Fancy Reel 


Book Us For Your Shoot

Why Nothing Fancy?

Our aim is to help local artists succeed in promoting themselves. Coming from a performing background I understand full well that marketing is a very EXPENSIVE game to play. With the advent of social media marketing everything has to LOOK GOOD, but looking good also comes with a HUGE price tag.

I'm sure you understand the struggle of not being able to properly film yourself perform WHILE YOU ARE PERFORMING, because... well, you're performing! Too many times have we posted "promotional videos" taken from shakey cell phone cameras with underwhelming sounds and angels. 

Why call ourselves "Nothing Fancy" Productions? Because it really IS nothing fancy. You could pay $500 for a guy with a $5000 camera to give you a "fancy" production, but all you needed is something that look and sound great for 30 seconds!

We're here for you! 

Book Us For Your Shoot